Yamila Samaán


In her 20 years of experience in the field of institutional and political communications, crisis communications and public affairs, Yamila has advised companies in many different industries, including education, cosmetics, technology, laboratories, food, infrastructure and construction, health and non-profit, on the development and implementation of strategies for communications, public affairs and media coaching. She has taken part in projects in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay.

She has been Director of Press and International Communications at the Ministry of Education and Coordinator of Communications in different national governmental organizations and in the City of Buenos Aires. She has been a news journalist on the open television channel Telefé, a panelist on political programs on Public Television and a producer and scriptwriter for different television cycles. For her work in the field of journalism she has received honors from the Asociación de Reporteros Gráficos (ARGRA) and Taller de Escuela Agencia (TEA)

She has worked with Nestlé Argentina, Oracle Chile, Laboratorio Roche, Fundación Avon, Bagley, Kraft Foods, Hangar Uno S.A, la Cámara Argentina de Chacinados, Tridimage, Cultural Inglesa de Palermo, Fideicomiso de Inversión, Parque Temático Tierra Santa, el Sindicato Unión Personal Auxiliar de Casas Particulares, Buenos Aires Lírica, Colegio Martín Buber, Cooperativa Creando Conciencia, Sociedad Argentina de Dermatología, Sociedad Argentina de Esterilidad y Fertilidad, Instituto CER (Centro Especializado en Reproducción), Fundación Natalí Flexer, Casa Cuna, and the State bodies Secretaría de Deportes de la Nación, Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Medio Ambiente de la Nación, Comisión Municipal de la Vivienda del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Subsecretaría de Obras Públicas del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires., Plan Estratégico de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Subsecretaría de Logística de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Subsecretaría de Emergencias de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Ministerio de Defensa de la Nación, Ministerio de Educación del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Ministerio de Educación de la Nación, and the Legislatura de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.

She has taught at numerous higher education institutions such as the Universidad de Buenos Aires, the Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales y Sociales, and the Instituto de Periodismo Deportivo. She has a degree in Communication Sciences specializing in Journalism (Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires) and post-graduate studies at the Universidad Nacional de San Martín (Buenos Aires, Argentina).